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Day 7 - Under the Sea

Down where it's wetter is so much better, take it from me..

We have had a brilliant day exploring the ocean and creating our own deep-sea creatures. The children have been bsy making mermaids, turtles, jellyfish, fish and everything in between. We've had a particularly impressive Big Art project running today where the children have worked together to create a giant octopus and two giant jellyfish, using papier mache.

Many of the children have really enjoyed exploring the water and sand play, in which they have moulded deep-sea volcanoes and created imaginative adventures of exploring the deep dark ocean.

On the field, children have enjoyed games of Sharks and Minnows football, Find Nemo, Rockpool rounders and Hammerhead handball. We have ended the day with a giant game of Gone Fishing!

To see all of the photos from today, click here.

We've had a fantastic day splashing around and are looking forward to Sdrawkcab Yad tomorrow!

Lumen Learning Trust