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Day 2 - Pokemon

We caught them all!

We have had a brilliant Pokemon themed day today with all of the children taking part in a Pokemon Go Hunt this afternoon. Both rooms have been highly decorated today with children's pictures of well known characters and those they have created especially for their room.

The children have also been busy creating their own Pokemon characters to play with and making headbands to wear. They have also worked together to create giant Pokemon characters for their rooms. 

There was a very competitive game of Nests today where teams had to capture Pokemon eggs and return them to their nests to score as many points as possible.  Children also played a range of Pokemon themed ball games, using their football and basketball skills.

To end the day, the children all played 'Pikachu's Treasure'. Don't forget to have a look at the full gallery of photos from the day - available in the Summer Camp Photo Gallery.

We are now Pokemon-ed out but we are looking forward to tomorrow and pretending to be Knights and Princesses.

See our photos from the day by clicking here.

Lumen Learning Trust