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Day 4 - When dinosaurs ruled the Earth...

We travelled back in time today, to a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth...

We've had a busy day, battling the heat and the monsters of the Jurassic period. Luckily the children were fearless in their efforts to discover dinosaur bones from the past. All of the children had to excavate different areas of the trim trail and the field in order to find bones, which they had to piece together to make a dinosaur skeleton! You can see their creations in the photo gallery.

Children have also been playing dinosaur egg football, and bench ball for which they have been able to wear the spiny crowns they created this morning. They have also been creative in designing their own movable dinosaurs and fossils.

A whole group competition of Dinosaur Statues ended the day and we are now looking forward to travelling forward, back to the present day so that we can start to get excited for World Cup Friday!

Check out all of our photos from the day by clicking here.

Lumen Learning Trust