A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Staff Claim for Additional Hours

This form is to be used by all staff members claiming additional payment for hours worked.

Please select the location you are contracted to work at:*

In the table below please enter the additional hours worked you wish to claim, using one row for each individual additional hours.

What was the REASON for the hours worked?
Please use the following codes in the 'Reason for extra hours' column:
TSC - Teaching Support Cover
PPA - Teacher cover
OSC - Office Staff Cover
PCO - Premises Call Out
PSC - Premises Staff Cover

What TYPE of hours were worked?
Were these hours outside of your normal contracted hours but within your normal job role?
Example 1 - you normally finish work in your TA role at 1pm. On this occasion, you have been asked to stay on longer to provide the same cover in the afternoon. These hours will be paid at your normal contracted hourly rate.
Example 2 - you are a school caretaker and have been asked to cover for another school's caretaker in their absence. These hours will be paid at your normal contracted hourly rate.

Were these hours within your normal contracted hours but to cover PPA in the classroom?
Example - you are working your normal hours as a TA but have been asked to cover PPA within the classroom. The hours worked covering PPA will be paid calculating the difference between your normal TA hourly rate and the enhanced PPA cover rate.

Were these hours outside of your normal contracted hours and to cover PPA in the classroom?
Example - you are contracted to work Mondays and Tuesday only. You are asked to work on a Wednesday to cover PPA. These hours will be paid at the enhanced hourly rate.

For every row used, ensure you add a response in each box
 Date (dd/mm/yy)Time of day when hours worked (hh:mm - hh:mm)Reason for extra hours workedWere these hours outside of your normal contracted hours but within your normal job role? (Y/N)Were these hours within your normal contracted hours but to cover PPA in the classroom? (Y/N)Were these hours outside of your normal contracted hours and to cover PPA in the classroom? (Y/N)

Total Number of hours claimed

Enter the total in the box below.
This total MUST NOT include unpaid breaks.
For example if your additional hours are worked 9am - 1.30pm and you have 30 minutes for lunch within this time frame, the total hours claimed will be 04.50 hours.

Lumen Learning Trust