A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Trust News

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  • 15/09/23

    Walton Oak Ofsted visit July 2023

    Walton Oak is a Good school
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  • 09/09/22

    HM Queen Elizabeth II: Our statement of condolence

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  • 26/05/22

    Our ECT Professional Development commitment

    Lumen Learning Trust appointed as a Regional Ambassador School
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  • 23/04/19

    Tesco funding provides valuable parent resource

    Lumen Parenting Puzzle course to receive additional resources 
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  • 24/09/18

    Artsmark Gold Award for Riverbridge Primary

    Recognition from Arts Council England
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  • 16/07/18

    Learning Away Champion status awarded

    Trust designated a Learning Away Champion School
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  • 21/12/17

    Heathrow Community Fund in action

    Grant awarded for our Lumen Lighthouse Suite
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  • 15/05/17

    Train to teach in a LOCAL primary school

    The School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme is typically a year-long course which enables you to learn ‘on the job’ from the very beginning. The key advantage of this training is that you will be working and learning every day in a local school, and consequently gaining...
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  • 20/03/17

    Winner of Surrey Digital Award 2017

    Lumen Learning Trust proud winners of Surrey Digital Award 2017
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Lumen Learning Trust