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Artsmark Gold Award for Riverbridge Primary

Recognition from Arts Council England

We have received the fantastic news that Riverbridge Primary has been awarded an Arts Council England Artsmark Gold Award for their commitment to the teaching of arts subjects.

Arts Council England celebrates ongoing commitment to arts and cultural education at a leadership level as well as establishing high standards across a whole school setting. It recognises those schools that offer their children the equal opportunity to plan, experience, participate in, and evaluate a broad range of high-quality arts and cultural activities. As well as this it also celebrates those schools that engage with a range of arts and cultural organisations and other settings, and can evidence the positive impact of these partnerships. 

The awarding panel made the following comment about the quality of the provision at the school"You have made significant progress in improving links with the local community, as well as finding fruitful new partnerships with arts and cultural organisations. As a consequence of curriculum re-design and your improved arts offer, a greater proportion of pupils are participating in enrichment activities, such as your ‘jamming Together’ rock band club."

The panel also recognised the development of the use of digital media in arts lessons following rigorous in-house training as well as increasing student autonomy over their learning supported by the confident teaching of the arts.  

We are quite rightly thrilled at this achievement and congratulate the team at Riverbridge for their hard work and determination in securing this recognition.

Lumen Learning Trust