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When I Grow Up

Monday 27th July 2020

The rain certainly hasn’t dampened our spirits or aspirations for our When I Grow Up day. We’ve had some brilliant team names today including: The Big Bosses, The Future Makers and The Superstars. During our arts and crafts sessions, we have designed and made futuristic robots to help us out with all of the grown-up jobs we’ll need to do when we’re older, including the cooking and cleaning. Additionally, we have created our very own laptops and briefcases to support us with our future careers. We have also designed our own work uniforms for the jobs we’d like to have when we are older. During our Big Art sessions, we have built role play areas including a police station, a veterinary centre and a hospital; we thoroughly enjoyed playing in our newly made areas throughout the day.

We have played a range of socially distant games outside - when it’s been dry - and in the hall. To end the day, each group played a game of Musical Statues where we had to pose in the role of different jobs when the music stopped. We have loved taking a look into the future and exploring the exciting jobs we may want to have when we are grown up.

Tomorrow, we will be donning our capes and masks as it is the return of Superhero Day!

Lumen Learning Trust