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Thursday 28th July

Back to the Future day

'Great Scott' it has been an exciting and busy day at camp today. We have been travelling through time and space to visit different time periods and places. During our Arts & Crafts sessions we have made our own futuristic robots, cars (using the DeLorean as inspiration) and some of us even made our own hoverboards! 

As part of our Performing Arts Workshop we not only worked as a team to make the DeLorean out of our bodies but travelled millions of years into the past and then thousands of years into the future. Another specialist session that we had today was with our Dance specialist during which we learnt a sequence to the song, 'Power of Love' which we all performed at the end of the day to different groups from camp. 

During our Sports sessions the younger children spent time avoiding space rocks while travelling through space in their parachute spaceship. The older children, took on a different challenge by playing a game of baseball, a pastime that Marty McFly himself most definitely enjoys! 

Lumen Learning Trust