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Friday 12th August

Lumen Summer Camp's Got Talent day

What a brilliant day to end Lumen's Summer Camp for this summer, 2022! All the children brought and shared their talents with us throughout the day, ending with a wonderful talent show. 

During our sports session we spent time in the hall practising a variety of gymnastics moves, including forward rolls and cartwheels. Many of the children used these moves as part of their talent show performance later in the day. In our Arts & Crafts session many of us created microphones to help our voices spread loud and clear, again many of used these for their performance in the talent show. 

Getting in the pool was definitely a popular part of everyone's day as it gave us an opportunity to escape the heat and cool down. Many of our younger children also headed down to the Forest School area of the Saxon site to find frogs and take shelter in the cooler wooded area. 

It has been a fantastic end to our 2022 Summer Camp and we want to take a moment to thank you all for coming along throughout the last three weeks. We wish you all a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you next year. For our children heading off to Secondary school in September we wish you all the best and don't forget you can still come to Camp as an Assister next year!  

Lumen Learning Trust