A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Company Information

The Lumen Learning Trust (Company Number 8670599) is registered in England as a company limited by guarantee, the registered office is: Saxon Primary School, Briar Road, Shepperton, Surrey , United Kingdom TW17 0JB. 

Below are copies of the: Memorandum of Association; Articles of Association; Funding Agreement for the Lumen Learning Trust; Supplemental Funding Agreements for the schools in the Trust (and any Deeds of Variation); and the Statutory Accounts.

Value for Money

Academy trust accounting officers are required to complete and sign a value for money statement in respect of the period ended 31 August each year.

The purpose of the statement is to provide accounting officers with an opportunity to demonstrate to parents and the public that the academy trust's use of public assets and funds has provided good value for money during the year and to identify opportunities for potential improvement.

The Lumen Learning Trust's value for money statement can be found in the statutory accounts.

Lumen Learning Trust