A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Your Professional Development

The continuous development of all employees is a key objective for Lumen.  You are our biggest strength and without you we will not achieve our aim of a brighter future for each and every child at one of our schools.

To help plan, develop and record your skills, appraisals, accomplishments and goals every employee in the Trust has their own personal Blue Sky account. 

You can access the Blue Sky log in page using this link:



What does Blue Sky do?

Performance Management
An integral and traditional process in many schools, Blue Sky helps to streamline an often-laborious process mapped to our Trust and individual school's culture. Objective setting, developmental reviews and progress towards National Teachers' Standards or bespoke competencies can all be measured with evidence that can be uploaded. 


Observations can be completed directly into BlueSky via any device using templates that have been created based on own measures of success. It can record dialogue, bespoke criteria or formal and developmental grades.


The CPD (Continued Professional Development) approach ensures transparency of all relevant opportunities for staff. CPD programmes can be shared via BlueSky's Training area. 


School Evaluation
Blue Sky can capture all types of quality assurance; from learning walks to work scrutiny. The bottom-up approach provides an evidence-base to support inspections and audits. We can also include our own SEF (Self-Evaluation Framework) and improvement plan too – completing the cycle.


Trust & Groups
Partnership provides global cross-school reporting and opportunities for collaboration within our MAT. It can facilitate professional learning and action research between and within schools; the co-ordination of programmes, such as those for ITTs and NPQs; qulaity assurance that comes with monitoring processes such as teaching and learning as well as supporting Human Resources in areas such as performance management, succession planning and talent management.

Lumen Learning Trust