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ALL STAFF ACTION PAGE September 2019: Child Protection

This Action Page is for ALL staff.

Each September the guidelines for Keeping Children Safe in Education (often referred to as KCSiE) are nationally reviewed and revised where necessary. This means that each school's Child Protection Policy is renewed on an annual basis to reflect national guidelines and must be read and understood by all staff at that setting.

Please complete the following actions by clicking on each document name which will take you directly to the document.

Once the actions have been completed use the online form found in the left hand side menu to confirm you have done this.

The responses will be reviewed by each School Business Manager and your training record will be updated accordingly.

Action 1

Please read the following statutory guidance: 

These policies can also be found within the Spotlight Policy Library for future reference. 

Action 2

Please read the Child Protection Policy relevant to the setting you work in. For central staff please read the policy for the setting in which you spend the majority of your time.

These policies can also be found within the Spotlight Policy Library as well as their respective individual school websites for future reference.

Lumen Learning Trust