ALL STAFF ACTION PAGE: Childcare Regulations
Every adult working with children is required to complete the Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations: Staff/Volunteer Declaration Form on an annual basis.
The form can be found in the right hand side 'In this section' orange menu. Please ensure you complete the form which will be forwarded to your local School Business Lead.
Please note that the school will record the date on which you provided this information.
- If you have answered ‘NO’ to all the questions the school will only retain this form until it has been checked and have transferred the date onto the Single Central Record.
- If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the questions on this form, the school will retain a copy of this form until the outcome of an Ofsted waiver application is known (if relevant) or until any other enquiries are complete. Thereafter the school will keep a record of whether or not a waiver has been applied for and granted, and details of any safeguarding restrictions. The school does not retain details of criminal records on your file without your explicit consent.