A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Our bespoke offer - is your school ready to join us?

Schools are duty-bound to do all they can to enable their pupils to acquire a relevant and rounded repertoire of skills so they can enjoy real choice regarding how they live their lives and understanding their responsibility in terms of supporting the wider community.

We understand primary schools are the beginning of this journey and so we have a particular part to play in securing these positive outcomes.

We embrace schools wishing to join us who believe they have a part to play in securing our future generation's life chances. Our experience and success has been rooted in our ability to talent-spot and harness capacity wherever it is and turn it into an opportunity to enable our children's futures.

Click on the image (above right) to view our full brochure.

Being part of the Trust : the experience of a Chair of Governors joining Lumen Learning Trust

In this article the Chairs at Saxon, Echelford and Riverbridge discuss their school conversion to academy status from how the decision was reached, the advantages of joining Lumen and their experience post conversion.   

Click on the image (right) to read the article in full.


The Confederation of School Trusts - Why a Trust-based system?

"What brought many of us into education is our strong sense of making a difference, our solidarity, and our interconnectedness – our collective work towards creating a more equal society. It is our solidarity and our interdependence – our shared sense of purpose and our execution of a shared mission – that will make a difference to the children and communities we serve. It is through this that we mobilise education as a force for social justice and wider common good."

Leora Cruddas CBE, Chief Executive of The CST

The CST, of which Lumen Learning Trust is a member, published their pamphlet in January 2023 to explain the purpose and the reason School Trusts exist - the passion behind the 'Why,' the heart space – and the opportunity of a group of schools working together in deep and purposeful collaboration.

Their primary audience is headteachers and governors considering the case for joining a trust and we attach it at the end of this page for your reference.  

Click on the image (right) to also be taken to the full document.

Contact us

If you are interested in our offer and would like to explore what it means for your school please call our Trust central office on 01932 571217 in the first instance for an appointment with our Executive Principal, Mrs. McCarthy, who will be happy to discuss our way of working with you. 

Lumen Learning Trust