A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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ALL STAFF ACTION PAGE: Staff COVID Vaccination Notification

One of Lumen's most important legal and moral commitments throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children as well as staff with regard to the transmission of coronavirus.

Each school leadership team created a school wide risk assessment, shared with all colleagues based at that site. This risk assessment provides transparency and reinforces the school obligation to provide a safe working environment for every child and staff member. The risk assessment takes into account the unique characteristics of the site and its population. As knowledge of the virus broadens and deepens the risk assessment is updated and revised to reflect this. In some instances a school site may also have individual risk assessments in place for particular members of staff should their personal circumstances necessitate the need for additional safety or precautionary measures.

In the coming weeks school responses to the virus will need to alter due to the introduction of the COVID vaccination. Each school will have to ensure that their risk assessment reflects that the appropriate checks and measures are in place as its workforce begins to be inoculated.

To achieve this we are asking staff to share with us when they have received the first and then the second vaccination. Please note, this is completely voluntary and you are not obligated to share this information if you do not wish to do so.

If you do feel comfortable sharing this information you can do so via this Google Form  


The information you provide will be stored securely and confidentially. It will only be shared with your local Headteacher by Gill Hicks, Head of Operations.  

We thank you in advance for your support with this, your contribution is never taken for granted and is always appreciated.

Privacy Notification September 2021
Following the change in government guidance that those who are double jabbed are no longer legally required to self-isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case.

We will now be asking staff their vaccination status, in order for us to support our contact tracing processes. 

Your vaccination status will be obtained under the consent lawful basis, therefore you are free to decline to provide that information.

Information on vaccination status will be held in a password protected file, accessible only to those who handle the contact tracing processes.

For more information, please see the attached Covid 19 Privacy Notice below. 

Lumen Learning Trust