A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Roles in our schools

We are unashamedly ambitious, not only for our children but also for all of our staff. 

When recruiting we look for candidates with strong academic backgrounds plus a well-rounded range of interests who understand that teaching is a cerebral activity which requires critical thinking, reflection and resilience to secure the best outcomes for children in the widest possible context.

In essence, we want colleagues whose skill-set gives them a choice of employment but who want to be teachers because they believe they have a part to play in securing our future generation's life chances.

We are always keen to hear from anyone who shares our vision and might be looking for a role in one of our schools.  


Whether you are an ECT or have been teaching for some time and are considering your next step, we would be very happy to hear from you.  This can be done in two ways

  • Contact with our Communications Lead, Lisa Cosgrave on lisa.cosgrave@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk and she can make an appointment for you to meet with one of our senior leaders to talk through your ideas    OR
  • Complete the teacher application form and send it to Lisa who will pass it to one of the Headteachers or Mrs. McCarthy, our Executive Principal.

Graduate Teacher Assistants

We are very keen to grow and nurture our own talent particularly in terms of the next generation of teachers.  For this reason we offer Graduate Teacher Assistant roles in all Lumen schools.  This is a Teacher Assistant role for those colleagues who have a degree already which may be a full or part time and which is most likely to be class-based.  In additional to the usual expectations of the TA role, Graduate Teacher Assistants are offered additional training and opportunities aimed at giving them the best insight into the role of teacher which in turn will support an application for a teacher training programme the following year.  We have strong relationships with School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme providers as well as local universities.  For more information on the SCITT programme please visit  www.ssfscitt.org.uk.

Where a colleague is successful in gaining a place on a School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme, we are able to provide the training placement in one of our schools.   We offer one salaried SCITT role per school per year.  In the event that we have more than one person per school wanting a place we will go through an interview and selection process to identify the best candidate.  

Teaching Assistants

We are responsive to our children's needs in a variety of ways.  This can include looking to provide additional adult support for a class, a group or sometimes individual children.  These are usually part-time positions, however often with the opportunity for additional hours when needed.  We offer a comprehensive training programme for our Teaching Assistants which includes the chance to work towards additional qualifications and awards.  

Those who are interested in either the Graduate Teaching Assistant or general Teaching Assistant roles, please complete the relevant application form below, indicating clearly which school you are interested in - and send it to Lisa Cosgrave via lisa.cosgrave@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk.  Lisa will forward it to the relevant Headteacher and an appointment will be made for you to meet with school colleagues to discuss the role further.  

Lumen Learning Trust