A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Lumen Learning Trust

Darley Dene Action Page online form

Please complete this form to confirm you have carefully read and understood the information found within the Spotlight "Darley Dene Action Page".

I have completed the staff medication and allergy form and will return this to my SBM/personnel officer:*
I confirm that:*
I confirm that:*

As a new employee of Lumen you are required to read and understand the following guidance information contained within the Darley Dene Action Page:
- DfE Keeping children safe in education
- HM Government What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
- Surrey SCC Intimate care and toileting (Early Years staff only)
- Surrey CC and Lumen advice on ePayslips
- CEFM Counselling Helpline poster
- HSE Health and Safety Law
- HSE Working at Height in a classroom - External Guidance

I confirm I have read and understood all the guidance information listed above as found on the Darley Dene Action Page:*

As a new starter you are required to read and understand the following Lumen policies contained within the Darley Dene Action Page:
- Behaviour Management
- Data Protection
- Email security & etiquette guidance
- Equality
- ICT User agreement
- Privacy Notice: staff
- Staff Absence
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing

I confirm I have read and understood all of the above listed Lumen policies as found in the Darley Dene Action Page:*

As a new starter you are required to read and understand several documents specific to your school site:
- Staff Handbook
- The School Day Structure
- What to do if

I confirm I have read and understood all of the above listed site specific documents as found in the Darley Dene Action Page:*

As a new starter you are required to complete the following video training:
- Prevent & Channel
- Fire Safety

I confirm I have completed all of the above video training and recorded the completion as directed in the Video Vault:*

In the event of an emergency please enter the contact information for your chosen next of kin:

By dating this form and clicking on Submit you consent to your information being collected by the Data Management Team and passed to your SBM/personnel officer to be added to your employment record.

Lumen Learning Trust