A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Lumen Learning Trust

Drop off & collection arrangements

For normal camp hours we will be using one drop off and collection route at the Echelford site, accessed via the entrance on Park Road.


  • Camp begins at 8.30am each day and ends at 4.00pm.
  • Please note that you will not be able to drive on to the school site and park during drop-off and pick-up.
  • Signage will be displayed at all points approaching Camp (look out for the Summer Camp flag at the far end of the car park).
  • The gate where you drop off your child in the morning will be the point you will need to return to when collecting them at the end of the day.
  • Parents have been asked to provide a password for collection for their child. If you need a reminder of what this is, please email the Lumen Summer Camp Admin Team stating your child's full name, date of birth and postcode and your collection password will be shared with you. Until the team feels confident with the familiar adults who are collecting children, they will ask you to share this password upon collection at the gate/on the playground.
  • On entering the school, via the gate opposite Coolgardie Road, you will walk through a car park towards the playground. At the playground entrance, you will be met by a member of staff who will register your child (at dismissal this is where we will ask for your password)  and direct you to the appropriate base group (please note your child/children will only be in this grouping for registration and dismissal).
  • Once you have dropped/collected your child/children at the appropriate group, you will be able to leave the school site via another gate. 

For Early Club and Late Club drop off and collection we will be using the main school office entrance at Echelford primary school.


Lumen Learning Trust