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Lumen Learning Trust

A successful teaching job interview

Many teachers find this part very daunting, but this is an opportunity for you to sell yourself and your pedagogy, so don’t let your anxiety spoil this moment.

If you have a dry throat after the observed lesson, ask for a drink of water, or go to the toilet.

Answer honestly and clearly. The interviewer will be writing lots down, so you might not get much eye contact, but talk to them, giving real life examples wherever possible. The strongest candidates know their strengths, and can give examples of these, but are also acutely aware of their areas for development.

You will likely be asked about Safeguarding and Teacher Standards. These are common across all schools, so you should be able to answer these plainly, again with examples where possible.

If there were elements that you wanted to expand on in your statement, use the interview to highlight these. Try not to talk too much or too fast - if you have put your point across, stop and ask the interviewers if they would like you to expand. Don’t be anxious if they don’t – they will have a range of questions to get through in half an hour.

At the end of the interview, the interviewers will ask if you have any questions. Think beforehand about these, as they will demonstrate that you are reflective and thoughtful. Do not talk about salaries at this point, as this will be your last impression with interviewers – instead you could ask about career opportunities, how the culture of the school has developed, or the role of CPD in the school.

Lumen Learning Trust