A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Lumen Learning Trust

Saxon Primary LGB

The table below has been compiled in accordance with the AFH 2020; it contains the prescribed details of governors on the Saxon Primary LGB who have served at any point during the last academic year.

This page is updated annually in the autumn term.  For details of the current Local Governance Board Membership please follow this link Saxon Local Governance Board

Full Name


Date of Appointment  & Date of termination ( if applicable)

Term of Office & Who appointed them

Relevant business & pecuniary interests

Governance roles in other educational institutions

Nicola Morris  Headteacher   Ex-officio LLT Employee None
Zoe Brown Staff Governor 02/02/2022 - 02/02/2026  4 years Staff body LLT Employee None
Effy  Crawford (Vice-Chair) Trust Appointed Governor

13/05/2020        (12/05/2024)


4 years LLT Trust No relevant interests to disclose None
Laura Revels-Hull Staff Governor

05/03/2021 (04/03/2025)

4 years staff body LLT Employee None
Suneet Rana Parent Governor

10/06/2021 (09/06/2025)

4 years parent body No relevant interests to disclose None
Claire Morris Parent Governor 10/06/2021 (09/06/2025) 4 years parent body No relevant interests to disclose None
Annette Stark Trust  Appointed 28/03/2023 (27/03/2027) 4 years LLT Trust No relevant interests to disclose None
Tom Wiltshire Trust  Appointed 28/03/2023 (27/03/2027) 4 years LLT Trust No relevant interests to disclose None
Jo Roberts Chair - seconded from Riverbridge 28/03/2023   No relevant interests to disclose None
Natasha Gergin Trust  Appointed 28/03/2023 (27/03/2027) 4 years LLT Trust No relevant interests to disclose None
Left Within the Last 12 Months          
Joanna Fudge Trust Appointed Governor 12/072021 (20/01/2023)      
Laura Ellis-Philip Trust Appointed Governor 2/09/2022 - (01/09/2023)      


   Meetings Attended

Meetings Attended / Out of a possible


Meetings Attended / Out of possible


Meetings Attended / Out of possible


Meetings Attended /Out of possible


Mary Ellen McCarthy 1/1 0/0 - -

Nicola  Morris

3/3 3/3 3/3 2/2
Effy Crawford 3/3 3/3 2/3 2/2
Laura Revels-Hull 2/2 3/3   2/2
Suneet Rana 1/1 3/3   1/2
Claire Morris 1/1 3/3   1/2
Zoe Brown - 2/2   2/2
Annette Stark - - 2/2 2/2
Tom Wiltshire - - 1/2 1/2
Jo Roberts - - 1/1 2/2
Natasha Gergin - - - 2/2
Left in the last 12 months        
Joanna Fudge - 1/3 1/1 -
Laura Ellis-Philip - - 3/3 -
Lumen Learning Trust